Reply To: What battery set up are people using

NZeta History Forums Help ! What battery set up are people using Reply To: What battery set up are people using

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Blair # Posted on April 23, 2018 at 10:08 pm

Sorry, need to amend my initial post, I have a point back to front.

I mentioned “the manual suggests to NOT kick start from cold”.

It of course should read, “the manual suggests to NOT DYNASTART from cold”. (kick starting does not drain the battery :-))

In regards to the battery, I am almost certain of going with 1 x 12 volt battery, at least 14 amp hrs, unless anyone comes up with some amazing stats or experience with 2 x 6v.  Had a motobatt 14 amphr last time, seemed OK.

Yes I did that too Jim, left the key in, and did not realise that that is effectively putting the key to ignition ON, in a car or other bike.  Doh, no wonder my batteries don’t last long!