Reply To: Brakes and clutch question

NZeta History Forums Help ! Brakes and clutch question Reply To: Brakes and clutch question

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Blair # Posted on October 11, 2014 at 5:39 pm

Hi johncas

Apart from fitting a disc brake system, all you can do is make sure the brake shoes are new, not old and gone hard and brittle, keep the brakes adjusted well, and you can get drums to work pretty well.  Mind you the heavy old things NZetas are make stopping a bit slow all the same.

Um, about neutral, are you sure it’s in neutral?  Does sound like its in gear.

NZetas seem to me like the gearbox has 2 false neutrals. Between 2nd and 3rd, and 3rd and 4th.  I never hit these whilst riding, just when parked up in shed, adjusting things.  This just could be because I didn’t change gear fully or properly.  Maybe possibly, you are in one of those or sort of halfway between 2 gears?