Reply To: NZeta with a Jawa 350cc Twin?

NZeta History Forums Scooter Stories NZeta with a Jawa 350cc Twin? Reply To: NZeta with a Jawa 350cc Twin?

Author Replies
Blair # Posted on October 3, 2015 at 11:07 am

Hi guys

Would be great to have a 350 in there and its giving me ideas… I have a 502 frame that could have a 350 chucked in 🙂

The info on this in “Scooter Stuff” is bloody great, but the first page, when you click to make it bigger, changes to another page, the one with Club names and scooter types etc…   Pls pls can you fix this up Jim… keen to read how its done without going cross eyed.

Arr so anyone got a 350 engine lying around… perhaps you might Greg P?

Cheers guys