Reply To: 502 header pipe and muffler

NZeta History Forums What parts do you need ? 502 header pipe and muffler Reply To: 502 header pipe and muffler

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Blair # Posted on June 18, 2014 at 9:08 pm

Great, thanks a bunch chaps.  These pics have told me I have a CZ175 barrel, but not a 502 one… tis slightly bigger on the outside and the fan is not fitting by a few mm.

The exhaust port comes out slightly more to the left than the 502 one… so that’ll add a new angle to the resto (and header pipe).  Kinda hoping the different barrel is not a prob, it does run, so maybe all is good and this was simple remedy when the perhaps harder to find 502 barrel was out of reach sometime in the past.  Would be cool if it gave more horsepower too 🙂  Might be some NZeta racing to be done at a future NZeta meet to find out…

Thanks again guys, much appreciated.