Tank needed

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November 3, 2017 at 9:43 am #1746


Hi Nzeta folk.


I’m having issues with my tank leaking at the mounting bolts. 3 have leaked and I’ve had to weld them back on and i’m at the point of cutting the entire bottom out of it and trying to engineer a new stronger mounting system.


So i know it’s a long shot but has anyone got a spare tank? Could save me a whole lot of effort with a quick ask around.


Thanks in advance





November 6, 2017 at 8:54 am #1747


Hi Mike, Sorry cant help you with a tank but if you get stuck, some advice – I have used petrol tank sealers, both “Red Kote” and “POR15”, both available here in NZ. As long as the prep and process is done properly, they both do an excellent job. I am usually pretty sceptical about these kind of things myself but I have been very happy with the results I have got from both. You should be able to find them through the web but let me know if you need some more info re sourcing them etc.


November 6, 2017 at 10:31 am #1749


Hey Mike,

Sorry, don’t have a spare tank. Maybe Paul Nagels could help?

Gords does the Red Kote/Por15 remove the rust as well as sealing the tank?

Google told me to use vinegar for getting rid of the rust in the tank but I am a little skeptical about that. I have heard about the Por15 but not used it yet.



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